state team officials

INTERSTATE OFFICIAL APPOINTMENTS | Click below for a copy of the role descriptions. All application is now done through an online form. This will be posted when there are current vacancies Interstate Officials Roles |
OFFICIALS APPOINTMENT LETTER | Once your appointment has been confirmed you and your school principal will receive an appointment letter. |
OFFICIALS PRE EVENT MEETING | SSWA holds a pre-event meeting where all sports are invited. SSWA process and policies are discussed along with sport-specific meetings which include decisions on travel arrangements, trial information, setting dates for subsequent meeting’s, completion of SSWA paperwork and officials uniforming |
NOMINATION PROCESS | Individuals will nominate to trial trough the SSWA website. A copy of the nomination will be sent to one of the interstate officials (as identified at the first meeting) |
SELECTION POLICY | All sports are required to publish a Selection Policy prior to trials to explain the selection process. Please ensure your selection policy is accurate and adhered to. |
MEDAL WINNER POLICY | Team Officials need to be aware of the process for selection of the team Medal Winner and this is to be documented at the bottom of the selection policy |
SCHOOL SPORT AUSTRALIA RULES AND GUIDELINES | Please be aware of the SSA rules and guidelines for your sport before commencing trials. Copies of the rules and guidelines are published on the School Sport Australia website. |
TEAM ANNOUNCEMENT | Once the squad has been selected it needs to be posted on the SSWA website. Click HERE for the template that is to be used for this announcement. Once completed please email the Team Announcement template to [email protected] |
TRAVEL BOOKINGS | The SSWA office coordinates travel for all teams. SSWA has a contracted travel agent (Motive Travel) who sources flights, accommodation and ground transport on behalf of SSWA. The SSWA Office will liaise with the travel agent and interstate officials to provide the team with sufficient travel requirements. SSWA endeavors to provide self-contained accommodation within close proximity to the playing venue. Ground transport will be arranged to best suit the team. Flights will be sourced for the nominated travel dates. All of the travel arrangements are done in consultation with team officials. The options will be discussed at the initial official’s meeting when the Action Timeline is completed. SSWA will provide confirmations for all travel arrangements prior to departure. |
TRAVEL OPTIONS | PREFERRED TRAVEL MODEL The School Sport WA preferred travel model is for students to travel and accommodate with their parent/guardian. Flights have been booked for team officials and their flight information will be provided at the parent information meeting. This policy has been arrived at to allow parents the opportunity to access the cheapest fares available. TRAVEL OPTION GUIDELINES Parents are required to book and pay for their flights and accommodation. SSWA Travel Agent, Motive Travel, can arrange this for you. Motive Travel may be able to book you on the same flights as the team officials Parents will need to book ground transport vehicles at the destination. Please ensure that students are booked to stay for the duration of the championship. The parent will be required to Notify SSWA of their flight and accommodation details. Book and pay for their required return flights and accommodation. Deliver the team member to the championship venue each day at the agreed time. OPTION 2: Students Travelling and Accommodating with Team Officials SSWA will book flights, accommodation, and ground transport. All travel costs will be included on the final invoice. School Sport WA will: Assume duty of care responsibility for team members travelling with them Be responsible for all aspects of team health and welfare while the team member is under the jurisdiction of team management and involved in the prescribed program. |
INSURANCE | SSWA has personal accident insurance for all players and officials appointed to an SSWA state team. SSWA has travel insurance for all players and appointed officials traveling as part of an SSWA state team. The personal accident insurance covers injuries that occur whilst away at the Championship or in an SSWA training session prior to departure. Please note that teachers are transferring their duties from school to SSWA so all worker’s compensation is cover by the Department of Education for government teachers. |
PURPOSE OF MEETING | This is a key meeting scheduled in your ”Interstate Action Timeline“. An SSWA management member will be there to present parents with policy and return documentation and to answer any questions or concerns parents may have in regards to SSWA operations. Interstate Officials will be required to address parents in regards to sport-specific requirements, training, expectations, etc. |
INFORMATION BOOKLET | SSWA office staff will provide a sport-specific ‘Information Booklet’ which is distributed to squad members & their parents at the evening to provide all policy and procedural information pertinent to accepting a place in the team. |
TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS | SSWA office staff will provide parents with full details on the options available to team members. Parents have the option to book their own child’s airfare and accommodation however this will incur an opt-out fee of $50. |
TEAM ACCEPTANCE AND RETURNS PAPERWORK | The Information Booklet contains information on how to accept their place in the team. There is a 4 step process; (2) complete the Team Acceptance Form and return to SSWA via email (this form needs to be signed by the player, parent and school principal). (3) complete the Online Uniform Order The above steps must be completed within 3 working days. (4) complete the deposit payment via the PAY HERE button on the website or directly HERE (Debit/Credit cards only) The deposit must be completed within 15 working days. |
WALKOUT AND PLAYING UNIFORMS | OnTrack Sportswear is contracted by SSWA to provide the walkout and playing* uniforms for all sports. Glenn and Paul Stockden from Victory Athletic are the WA representative and will be available to handle team try-on and assist with ordering at the Parent Information Meeting. However, it is the parent’s responsibility to take their order form home with sizes and place an online order within the timeframe specified. Glenn’s contact details are: [email protected] or 0431 636 214 The uniform ordering process;
Notes for the officials; All students are required to order the Compulsory uniforms (unless they have travelled before). The compulsory off-field uniform is set at $310pp however additional items can be purchased through the ordering process. Playing uniform prices vary by sport. *unless prior arrangement is agreed by SSWA management committee |
RAFFLE | Raffle tickets will be available for parents to order through the Online Registration. Raffle Process; Each team member is offered the opportunity to be involved in fundraising through the participation in a centrally coordinated raffle To reconcile the raffle the manager needs to provide the SSWA office with a statutory declaration form if a ticket or book is misplaced. |
SSWA CODE OF BEHAVIOUR | SSWA has Codes of Behaviour which are included in the Information Booklet which is distributed at the Parent Meeting |
TEAM SUBMISSION LIST | Once your team has submitted their ‘Interstate Returns’ this information will be downloaded from the Online Registration Form and sent to the interstate officials in a document called a Team Submission List. The Team Submission List is a comprehensive document that included personal information, flight and accommodation options, medical details and parent information. Once the Team Submission List is completed all flights and accommodation bookings will be confirmed. Strict deadlines apply due to the terms and conditions of bookings. All bookings are handled by the SSWA office in liaison with interstate officials. Copies of all Online Registrations will also be emailed to the manager so they can print a copy and take it with them. |
STUDENT AND SCHOOL LETTERS | Official letters will be sent to both students and principals to acknowledge their inclusion in the state team. |
HOST STATE BULLETINS | Host states will forward bulletins to the SSWA office with event details such as timelines and costs. Office staff will then forward bulletins to all interstate officials. |
HOST STATE RETURNS | It is a School Sport Australia requirement for all teams to complete and return to the organizing state ‘Host State Returns’. The SSWA office will coordinate these returns once the team and travel arrangements are confirmed. The manager will be asked to check the player details prior to them being sent. These include; Hosting Arrangement Form, Team List for Program & Checking Sheet, Officials Dinner Attendance, Student Umpire Form (if applicable); |
PURPOSE OF MEETING | The Presentation Night is a formal function with the purpose of congratulating the team, thanking all parties involved and presenting team members with their official uniform. Please click HERE for a format sample. |
TOUR INFORMATION BOOKLET | A tour Information Booklet needs to be compiled and presented to the players at the Presentation Night. The Tour Information Booklet contains information including; itinerary, meal planner, team song/chant, recovery plans, SSWA code of behavior, etc. Click here for a sample Tour Information Booklet. Please contact the SSWA office to obtain your individualized sports cover page for this booklet which can be copied and pasted into this template. |
SSWA OFFICE ROLE AT THE FUNCTION | A member of the SSWA Management Committee will attend the Presentation Night to congratulate and wish the team well for the upcoming Championship |
UNIFORMS | All uniforms will be distributed to team members |
SCHOOL SPORT AUSTRALIA CERTIFICATES | SSA participation certificates will be presented to all team members |
GUEST SPEAKER | Most sports organize a guest speaker from their sport to encourage their team in the competition ahead |
MONEY COLLECTION | It is a chance for the manager to collect any fees that are outstanding from parents before the event. Please note all accounts MUST be paid in full prior to departure unless otherwise negotiated with the SSWA office |
RAFFLE TICKET COLLECTION | All raffle tickets MUST be returned by/at this function to ensure that the manager has time to complete their reconciliation |
TEAM PHOTO | A team photo will be taken at the Championship. The SSWA office will liaise with the Tour Leader to provide an preferred time to the host state. Please ensure all photos are distributed to players and officials prior to the end of the Championship. |
INTERSTATE MEDAL | You have the option to order an interstate medal to present to each student at the presentation evening. Medals will have to be included in your budget, at $5.00 each. Please CLICK HERE to order medals. |
FINANCES | Ensure you have contacted the SSWA Finance Officers to check if there are any outstanding invoices and go through any additional finance processes. |
TEAM CHECKING SHEETS | Ensure that you have a signed team checking sheet (supplied by the SSWA office) to be handed to the SSA National Sport Advisor at the Pre-Event Meeting at the Championship |
MEDICAL ACTION PLANS | Ensure that all students within the team that have a medical condition have a current student health care plan in line with the Department of Education’s health care policy. Contact the SSWA office for further details |
MOBILE PHONE POLICY | A copy of the SSWA Policy can be found HERE. |
ADDITIONAL ITEMS | Collect from the SSWA badges and interstate bags. |
OFFICIALS ALLOWANCE | This will be paid by Direct Debit prior to departure. |
EQUIPMENT | Collect any further required equipment i.e. balls, water carriers, etc. |
MEDIA RELEASE | SSWA will send a media release to all community newspapers and coordinate contacts with parents/officials as required |
TRAVEL ISSUES | If you experience any travel issues (flight delays or concerns with accommodation etc) please contact the SSWA office. The office is here to assist you in resolving any issues relating to travel. We also like to be kept in the loop if you are delayed or have problems whilst away on tour. |
ACCIDENTS & INCIDENTS | Whilst away any incidents must be reported to SSWA and the incident report form must completed and forwarded to the SSWA Office. Please click HERE to complete the online Incident Report Form. |
EXCURSIONS | SSWA ensures that all interstate teams follow the Department of Education’s excursions policy. An Excursion Management Plan will be completed by the SSWA office to comply with the excursions policy, this will be published on the Risk Management tab for your sport. |
SOCIAL MEDIA | SSWA has a Facebook and Instagram page that is managed by our Media Officer. While on tour we would like a chosen representative to correspond with our Media Officer at regular intervals to assure that videos, photos and reports are posted in a timely manner. |
KEEP IN TOUCH | Keep the SSWA office up to date on how the team is doing. We like to celebrate your successes too. |
RESULTS | All daily results are posted on the School Sport Australia website. |
MEDIA | Don’t forget to give your team the plug they deserve. There’s nothing better than getting your name in the paper or on the radio. |
STAFF SURVEY | We value the opinions of our officials involved in our Interstate Program. This feedback will be used to enhance future tours and we thank you for taking the time to contribute your thoughts. Please click HERE to complete the Online Survey |
POST CHAMPIONSHIP REPORT | This report is to be submitted online within 2 weeks of your return and prior to your final meeting with SSWA. This data is important to SSWA as it indicates data for SSWA statistics and information for the Presentation Dinner. Please click HERE to complete |
All trial nominations and payments are to be completed online through the website. Please direct all parents to the sport nomination page to pay upon nomination. |
Include Team Preparation Expenses eg Equipment, training costs, venue hire, etc on Team Preparation spreadsheet Ensure invoices for purchases are addressed to SCHOOL SPORT WA, are a TAX INVOICE and have Supplier’s ABN All invoices received must be forwarded to the Finance Officers with email approval. All team preparation expenses must be included in the budget. |
Manager/Tour Leader must meet with Finance Officer, to prepare the Tour Budget A Team Preparation Expense Template will be sent to you prior to the budget meeting for completion. All anticipated expenses must be included. The final budget meeting is held at least six weeks prior to travel. Invoices are then sent out by Finance Officers once the budget is approved. Payment is required by the due date. Unfinancial students who do not have a Payment Agreement in place will not be permitted to travel. Manager/Tour Leader is to advise parents to contact the Finance Officers if a Payment Agreement is needed. It is the Manager’s responsibility to chase up outstanding payments. |
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Keep track of your expenditure whilst on tour, using the Expenses Reconciliation Spreadsheet. |
Within two weeks of returning from tour provide the Finance Officers with the Expenses Reconciliation Spreadsheet FULLY completed and submitted electronically. |
Ensure all receipts and tax invoices have been uploaded to the Weel account. |