School Sport WA advertises vacancies for the below positions. Please click on the relevant tab above for more information and details on how to apply;
- Interstate Officials
- Interstate Medical Personnel
- Sport Coordinator
If you have any queries relating to these positions, contact the School Sport WA office on 6318 5711 or [email protected]
Teacher relief will be provided for Department of Education (DoE) teachers only, however teachers in the private sector are also encouraged to apply, with appropriate principal endorsement. Please note it is the applicant’s responsibility to gain approval from their principal prior to applying for a role with SSWA Applicants need to comply with the requirements of the Education Department Child Protection, Duty of Care and Excursion Policies. Applications are to be completed electronically on the link at the bottom of this page. Please have the following details ready to complete your application;
- Chosen Team & Position
- School Contact Details
- Personal Contact Details
- Selection Criteria Questions – the following questions are to be completed before you can submit your application.
- Briefly outline your qualifications, skills and attributes relevant to the position
- Detail your involvement in sport at the school level
- Detail your involvement in sport at the community level
- List any previous experience at SSWA &/or knowledge of SSWA programs
- Supply any additional information to support your application
We encourage all applicants to have prepared their responses to the above Selection Criteria prior to commencing the application (you cannot save and come back to your application at a later date). Please note you can copy and paste your responses from a word document.
2025 Vacancies Coming Soon
Applications Open Friday 13th September
Team Official appointments are for a 2 year term.
Please click HERE to apply for an Interstate Official Vacancy.
Applications are to be completed electronically on the below link and closing dates vary depending on sports. Please have the following details ready to complete your application;
- Chosen Team & Position
- School Contact Details
- Personal Contact Details
- Selection Criteria Questions – the following questions are to be completed before you can submit your application.
- Briefly outline your qualifications relevant to the position (i.e. first aid/ sports trainer/ medical/ strapping etc.)
- Briefly outline your skills and attributes relevant to the position
- Detail your involvement in sport at school or community level
- Supply any additional information to support your application
Please click HERE to apply for Medical Personnel Positions
The below Sport Coordinator positions are currently vacant.
Primary Rugby League
Secondary Baseball
Secondary Cricket
Secondary Rugby League
Secondary Softball
Secondary Volleyball
Please contact the SSWA Office for details 6318 5711 or [email protected].
Click HEREÂ for a position description for the Sport Coordinator role
Applications invited – 2021 All Star Basketball Coaches and Managers
School Sport WA invites interested parties to apply for the following positions for the upcoming 2021 Senior Boys and Girls All-star teams.
–         Head Coach – 1 boys’ team and 1 girls’ team
–         Assistant Coach – 1 boys’ team and 1 girls’ team
–         Manager – 1 boys’ team and 1 girls’ team
The All Star games will be held at Bendat Basketball Centre on Sunday 24 October 2021. Teams from Department of Education WA, Associated Catholic Colleges (ACC) and Independent Girls Schools Association (IGSSA) will compete in the event.
Selected officials will work with School Sport WA staff to hold team selections, training sessions (if applicable) and coach/manage on game day.
Preference will be given to coaches and managers who have had school teams participate in the SSWA Champion Schools program. Coaches and Managers MUST be from a DOE school to be considered.
Nominate HERE
If you have any queries relating to these positions, contact the School Sport WA office on 9264 4879 or [email protected]