The State Schoolboys and Schoolgirls Football Teams will consist of 14 players. Students participating in the School Sport Australia Championship will turn 11* or 12 years by December 31st in the year of the Championship. Online nomination forms are available on the School Sport WA website .

Process   In order to select the players for the team, the following will apply:

  • Players must complete the official nomination form online.
  • Players must pay the required trial fee at the first trial date.
  • The State Team Coach shall administer the selection process.
  • The State Team Coach and Team Manager shall be the principal selectors.
  • The selectors may call on other people’s expertise to assist with team selection
  • No selector shall be involved in the selection of any player who is related to them.

Trials Specific Information

  • The first round of trials will consist of 2 sessions south of the river and 2 sessions north of the river. Each session shall consist of match play.
  • Players are encouraged to attend either the 2 South sessions or the 2 North sessions or both.
  • The number of players carried through from either the 2 South / 2 North sessions or both will be reduced to a total of 18 girls and 18 boys who will advance to the next sessions at the discretion of the selectors. These will be 1 more South and North in each case.
  • At this point attendance at the last two trials for both boys and girls is compulsory unless exceptional circumstances apply and prior permission is sought wherever possible from the Coach and/or Manager.
  • Trials may incorporate skill drills for players as well as match play.
  • Every endeavour shall be given to trialling players in their preferred positions.
  • Selectors reserve the right to trial players in equivalent positions
  • Selectors shall consider all aspects of the game including (but not limited to) physical ability, skill, tactics and attitude.
  • Selectors shall reach decisions by consensus wherever possible. If consensus cannot be reached, the coach makes the final decision.
  • When selecting one player before another, selectors shall make an “on balance” decision, based on all the attributes and abilities shown by the players.
  • When selecting the final team of 14 players, selectors shall consider the balance of the squad in terms of playing positions.

 Team Selection

  • Selectors will choose the final team of 14 players at the end of the trials. Up to 4 train-on players will be selected to continue training and playing in practice matches.
  • The train on players will be called upon in case of a withdrawal due to sickness or injury.
  • Injured players may be given time to trial by being exempted from early trials or by being included in train on squads provided the timeline is sufficient to enable adequate preparation after selection.
  • Once a team is selected, attendance at training is to be balanced with family and club commitments. Initial decisions to be made by consultation between player and coach. If consensus cannot be reached, parents and manager shall be consulted. If consensus cannot be reached, the SSWA Football sport convenor shall be consulted.
  • All team members and their parent/guardian are required to attend an information session at a nominated place and date and comply with the directives issued prior to team membership being confirmed.
  • All team members are to be 100% fit 1 week before departure for Nationals. A player unable to travel will be replaced by a player from the train on list.
  • The coach or team manager may advise country players that they can miss certain trials or training sessions due to travel concern.
  • * Students who turn 11 in the year of competition and who are selected in the final team must be accompanied to the event by a parent or nominated guardian even if the student stays in the team accommodation.

Medal Winner Policy


  • Player deemed to have displayed perseverance, commitment and team spirit, as voted by team officials and/or players.