Interstate Student Umpires, Referees, Officials Nomination Form "*" indicates required fields Student DetailsName* First Last Date of Birth* Day Month Year Gender* Female Male Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Mobile Number* Full School Name* Polo Shirt Size*678910111213141516XSSMLXLParent/Guardian DetailsName* First Last Relationship* Telephone* Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Umpiring Specific DetailsWhich sport are you nominating to officiate?*Please Select a SportAustralian Football 12 BoysAustralian Football 12 GirlsAustralian Football 15 GirlsAustralian Football 15 BoysBaseballBasketball 12 BoysBasketball 12 GirlsBasketball 16 GirlsBasketball 16 BoysCricket 12 BoysCricket 12 GirlsCricket 15 BoysCricket 15 GirlsCross CountryDivingFootball 12 BoysFootball 12 GirlsFootball 18 GirlsFootball 18 BoysGolf 12sGolf 18sHockey 12 BoysHockey 12 GirlsHockey 15 GirlsHockey 15 BoysLawn BowlsNetball 12 BoysNetball 12 GirlsNetball 15 GirlsNetball 15 BoysSoftballSwimmingTennis 12sTennis 18sTouch 12 BoysTouch 12 GirlsTouch 15 GirlsTouch 15 BoysTraithlon / AquathlonVolleyballCurrent Umpiring Competition* Current Umpire Coach* Coach Contact Number* Umpire Accreditation Level* School Notification* I understand it is a parent/student responsibility to notify the school of this nomination. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.