Contact and Agreement Form SSWA Interstate Officials Contact and Agreement Form Name(Required) First Last Sport/Position(Required) Are you employed by a School?(Required) Yes No School Name(Required) School Address(Required) School Phone(Required) Preferred Email(Required) Secondary Email Home Address(Required) Payroll ID Mobile Phone(Required) Date of Birth(Required) Drivers Licence(Required) Yes No Licence Number(Required) Expiry(Required) Class(Required) Auto or Manual(Required) Swimming Qualifications(Required) Yes No Type/Exp(Required) First Aid Qualification(Required) Yes No Expiry(Required) Working with Children(Required) Yes No Number(Required) Expiry(Required) TRB WA(Required) Yes No Number(Required) Medical Conditions(Required) Yes No Provide Details(Required)Dietary Requirements(Required) Yes No Provide DetailsEmergency Contact Name(Required) Emergency Contact Relationship(Required) Emergency Contact Number(Required) Teams Officials' AgreementPlease tick to acknowledge that you have read and agree to the below(Required) As an approved SSWA INTERSTATE TEAM OFFICIAL I undertake to comply with this agreement and all other rules, guidelines and conditions applicable to my appointment not specifically contained in this agreement.ALL TEAM OFFICIALS' RESPONSIBILITIES • Attend all meetings of the SSWA Committee for my sport (including pre and post event) and undertake duties assigned to me • Adhere to the interstate action timeline as agreed by the sport officials • Complete interstate team selection requirements at least 10 weeks prior to departure • Represent SSWA, in compliance with SSWA policies and guidelines, as required • Attend a team/parent meeting • Work cooperatively with other team officials • Comply with “Working with Children” legislation and provide supporting evidence to SSWA • Honour all SSWA, State Sporting Association sponsorship (where applicable) and contract agreements • Ensure that all members adhere to on and off field Codes of Behaviour • Ensure Department of Education, and SSWA, duty of care provisions are adhered to • Be conscious of team member educational and other sporting commitments and endeavour to be aware of them • Be sensitive to the interest of parents who may make approaches on behalf of their child • Prepare and present an interstate report to the Sport Coordinator and meet with the SSWA office within one month of the team’s return • Attend the SSWA Presentation Evening and the SSWA Annual General Meeting ADDITIONAL TOUR LEADER AND TEAM MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES • Consult the SSWA Finance Officer to develop a team budget according to SSWA policy • Assume financial responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the team in accordance with SSWA rules and guidelines • Inform the SSWA office of any team members who may face financial difficulties and ensure that all team invoices are fully paid prior to departure • Comply with all guidelines as they apply to raffle, clothing and travel documentation